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How I Found Out My Girlfriend Had Another Life With Andrew Polizzo

How I Found Out My Girlfriend Had Another Life With Andrew Polizzo

Thank you Andrew Polizzo for being on the "People On Dating Podcast"

Andrew dropped tons of knowledge on how to spot the red flags, being able to walk away, and much more.......

I invite guests on to share their relationship stories, how they overcome their struggles, how they got out, and how they got to where they are today. I bring on experts, doctors, authors, life and relationship coaches. Mentors, motivational speakers, anyone promoting a book, I will be holding a book give away contest in 2 weeks. And more after that.

Join me each week to learn about the red flags of life. How to not get caught in the vortex of gaslighting relationships. Look inward. Our inner thoughts, mental & physical health. Are you struggling with addiction, relationships, paranoia or going through a breakup? I am there and doing that. We will discuss, examine and deep dive into the mind and all the nuances of the choices we make, the consequences with interviews with other podcasters, authors and experts, each week we will all topics related to getting you through these challenging concerns.

Anonymous Andrew Podcast: Life and the Choices We Make! A personal journey podcast. Focusing on dating and relationships. After leaving a three year relationship that I endured deception, infidelity, gaslighting, co-dependency and more, I find myself wandering alone in the desert of empty romance. Needing to break a pattern of dating behavior that brings me to my knees.

This podcast explores all aspects of romance from online dating, organic dating, self-love, self-respect, choosing the right partner for a relationship and so much more. Learning to sustain a healthy relationship. Should one stay in a relationship if it was a poor choice.

I have been choosing poorly and making many of these mistakes. Staying in toxic relationships way past their expiration date! I share my journey of self-discovery and hoping to find new love. Making better choices. I cannot be the only one wandering around this lonely enigma of love. Hopefully I can help you and together we can find true love!

Andrew's Nuggets

  • Trauma bonding
  • I ignored the red flags
  • Being gaslighted in the relationship
  • Wanting to have sex in the dark
  • The need to set boundaries
  • And much more......

Watch Episode Here : Anonymous Andrew Podcast 

Links To The Podcast


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  • Handling stressful situations By Clair White

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