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People On Dating Ep 24 : Are You Struggling To Meet Women? Featuring Harris O'Malley

About Harris:

Harris O’Malley is a dating coach who provides geek dating advice at Paging Dr. NerdLove, as well as on Kotaku and elsewhere.

He and his work has been featured on Nightline, Vice, The Guardian, New York Magazine, The Huffington Post, Wired, Sex Nerd Sandra, Daily Life, Slate, The Austin-American Statesman, Austin Monthly, Geek and Sundry, Boing Boing, Everyday Feminism, Buzzfeed, The Daily Dot, The Washington Post, Kotaku, Lifehacker, NeilStrauss.com, The Good Man Project, MTV’s Guy Code, The Harvard Business Journal, and many others.

Paging Dr. NerdLove has been featured as one of the top 10 dating blogs on DatingAdvice.com

*Dr. NerdLove is not a real doctor.

A few amazing tips by Harris is
*Join a social/meetup group of like minded people
*Learning to be more confident
*Make the woman you are interested in laugh

Links From The Podcast
@williem38301075 (Twitter)

Books Recommended
https://www.doctornerdlove.com/books/- Harris O'Malley
The Game- Neil Strauss

Thank you Harris for being on the podcast

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Will Morales