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People On Dating Ep 68 : What Men Really Want In a Relationship With Rinatta Paries

About Rinatta :

I have always wanted to help people. My first job out of college was working for a social-service agency. However, I was stuck behind a desk, and what I really wanted to do was to directly help people. A number of years and some interesting jobs later, I ran across an article about the budding profession of life coaching and the online university called Coach University that was training life coaches.

I was in the group of the first 700 coaches to attend CoachU’s two-year life coach training program and graduated in 1998. At the time, CoachU was the only school training life coaches. I also became a member of and was certified as one of the first master coaches by the International Coach Federation, a certification and regulation body of the life-coaching profession. Years later, as a veteran coach and a veteran professional in the filed of relationship work I was awarded the coveted certification of Relationship Specialist by the American Psychotherapy Association.

Rinatta's Value Adds
Communicating what men want
Needing to be secured in our skin
Women, don't manipulate men
Thinking about a woman's body count
Mostly, men want a drama free relationship
And much more............

Links From The Podcast
@willmoralesPod (Youtube)
@williem38301075 (Twitter)

Book(s)/Articles recommended
Get inside her the female perspective : Marni Kinrys

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