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P.O.D Season 2 From The Archives : Self Awareness vs Unawareness In a Relationship W/ Tanya V

Hello everyone on today's archive episode my guest Tanya Valle talks about what self awareness is about and what being in a relationship without that self awareness can lead to.

This is a topic not talked about much and Ms. Valle will let us know how to become more aware in a relationship. :

About Tanya :

I believe in following my curiosity. I’ve been a television news reporter, press secretary in NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Administration, Fortune 50 company executive, and a public relations business owner. Plus, a zookeeper in my 20s. I pursue work that interests me. Follow my own rules.

In addition to being a Certified Professional Coach, I’m also a trained Spiritual Director and Certified Mindfulness Meditation teacher. I hold an MBA from Fordham University Graduate School of Business, and a Bachelor of Science in Marketing Communications from the Fashion Institute of Technology/SUNY. I'm a proud member of BizzyChicks.org, and on the Board of Directors of Ancient History Encyclopedia, and The India Group.
On today's show I have a discussion with Tanya V on whether we are self-aware or unaware in our relationships, do we think about the other person? is it all about us? How does that hold up in a partnership?

Listen in as Tanya gives us some gold quotes.
*Know yourself
*Our behaviors in relationships
*Communication is the key

Links From The Podcast
@williem38301075 (Twitter)

Conscious Loving- Dr. Gay & Kathlyn Hendricks

Thank you Tanya for being on the podcast

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Thank you for tuning in.

"Just a conversation, No judgement"

Will Morales